Elder Scrolls Online: Warmseeker, I knew you were special when I saw you!

"Emma, get to Gonfalon Bay.  I found something.  You're going to love it."

"Bob I can't, I'm busy crafting.  I'm doing Zenithar's work right now."

"Ok Emma, but this is probably the most important discovery in all of Nirn."

*Emma stops work*

"I'm coming."

I ported to Bob and found myself in Gonfalon Bay, High Isle.  I followed him just inside the craft district.  He picked up Warmseeker in front of me, and it was a surprise I couldn't have expected or asked for.  Zenimax Online Studios had put a cat in the game we could pick up and snuggle.  Warmseeker purrs and snuggles you back; the animations are just purrfect!  I can't describe how right the world felt the moment we met.

Warmseeker, a cat in Gonfalon Bay near the Craft District you can pick up to snuggle
